How to design social media banner for your business

Whatever the business you good at you need to market itself to benefit out of it. Like I mention in my social media for a small business article you need to identify your business before you market yourself. After that process you are ready to go. So you already know what social media marketing is and what the impacts towards to your business are. Now assume you have setup all the relevant criteria and launched to the social media by targeting your audience. After few days you might realize the expected traffic is not incoming but all the marketing steps are involved. Undoubtedly your failure is the design you came across with to market yourself. Let’s take a brief look in how you can fix this to enhance the performance of you social media campaign.
Concern these factors to design social media banner
- Simplicity
- Professional look
- Targeted marketing product or service
- Carry your Brand name and identity
- Use other social media streams (instagram, pinterest)
Your design should be very simple. In other words, so much text in your design will reject from social media networks as well as your audience. There is a reason behind that. The human eye is tense to attract colorful things rather than texts. Nowadays people are not in to read and waste time. They fantasy by looking and scrolling down stuff that matters to them. So make sure your design more image oriented. As a result, customers will stop what they scroll down in the news feed and give an attention towards to you.
Another fact that I want to mention is highlighting your product/service. Because customers don’t want to spend the time on a fact that waste their time which gives nothing. Like I mention in my previous social media article always try to make your brand name familiar to them. For that you can use a highlighted font with appropriate font size which ultimately gives a professional look towards to your business. Every design you make on promoting your products and services, try to add them on Instagram as well as in pinterest to win the audience. But make sure to change them more image and graphic oriented. Because those two websites are more focus on graphical representation rather than including unnecessary texts.
Let’s start design social media banner
- Choose your heading
- Increase line spacing
- Add color shapes to make your heading highlighted
Let’s take a simple example how you can design your own social media banner in a feasible manner. First of all, select an appropriate heading that suits with what you going to market. Add some Photoshop effects that make it more attractive throughout the entire banner. Adjust your line spacing as well as clear fonts to catch the human eye. After that add some shapes, relevant images that you wants to market and appropriate styles to make it more marketable. Try to make multiple designs for one marketing purpose. Because when you post those multiple designs in social media you can track for which post it generates the largest traffic. So according to that design try to make more templates to enhance the performance of your media campaign. By using memorable posts you can stick with your targeted audience for a long time. Try to come up with new designs concerning previously tracked results which would increase your traffic result rapidly.
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